Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trip to southern thailand

Now i want to share the trip to hatyai and songkla.
first of all
i wake up at 5am to start my journey...
haahaa... but sound does not make sense....
this is because i want to arrive hatyai before 9am (thailand time).
Before enter thailand with car,
we need to purchase the border insurance
7seater car = rm25
5seater car = rm16

This is thailand insurance.
need for car entry declaration....
no fee need to pay except... rm1 for pasport stamping   (better than malaysia government that kill tourist with hi way tol, the stupidity that cannot change).
Soft reminder: stamp pasport 1st before declare car entry.... if not you need to que again, kill ur time only.
malaysia kastam, just drive thru and passport checking

arriving card. when stamping pasport... rm1

keep this departure card. for check out from thailand later.

Be careful with thailand people, they are riding without helmet. that's cool...

Danok town, after chop passport

on the way to hat yai

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