Thursday, December 15, 2011

Trip to penang (Monkey beach)

So excited to plan a trip to Penang national park... haha
already 2 week planing... prepare the camping trip. finaly only 5 people join its.
what the waste....

wake up at 6.30am purpose to cook and prepare for the journey.
go to pacific penang to fetch friends and near by pisa.
Then go to jelutong morning market to eat breakfast.
11am arrive taman negara penang.
register for entrance. (Free)...
according to the park officer, they said that too crowded to camping inside pantai kerachut.
so, they suggest us to go teluk duyung (monkey beach) so can do more privacy thing. excited for fishing and BBQ
our stuff too much, until each person need to carry around 40kilo of food, camping tent, and fish rode. haha (only for overnight)

we all need to help each other during the hiking (first hiking ever in my life), so syiok. according to the map.
the journey only take about 1.30hours.
actually whole hiking to the teluk monyet take more than 2.30hours... dammm tired
the road was very challenging with the loading very heavy. still need to hike, jump, cross on the wet way, stone. realy realy the way go no where...

we take a break nearby teluk duyung, we though want to have a stop for fishing 1st. but after we unloading our stuff, only sit for a minute. a geng of monyet come and attack us. what the F...!
they are target on the food, if you still give them the food, they never stop border u again and again.
we cant stand with the crazy monkey. so decide to take few step to the teluk duyung. finaly.. 2.30hours waking journey. damm

Going back after attack by monkey... huhuhu

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